Horoscope Today, August 31: Check Tarot Readings For Your Zodiac

Pratidin Time

Tarot card – The fool – Today is a great day for you. New beginning and good news on its way. Take leap of faith. Donate something to animal today. New people will show up in life.

Angel Message – Connect with nature   

Lucky Color – Yellow

Lucky Number – 5


Tarot Card – The Lover today is great day to start a new relationship. Happiness is on the cards. People who are eligible for marriage will get their life partners. Great day to invest.

Angel Message – Time for you do things for yourself.

Lucky Color – Red and Pink

Lucky Number – 2

Tarot Card – The Hermit – You need some rest right now mentally. Think twice before take any decision. Avoid travel .

Angel Message – Trust yourself   

Lucky Color – White

Lucky Number – 9

Tarot Card – The Moon Avoid misunderstandings especially with your partner. Admit truth to yourself. You are going through a difficult period but trust me it’s just a phase. Tame your fears specially what will happen in future trust me we have no control in our future nor we can change our past what we have is present SO LIVE THIS MOMENT.

Angel Message – Spend some time in nature.

Lucky Color – Green and Brown

Lucky Number – 1


Tarot Card – The Magician – Today is lucky day for you in all directions. Connect yourself with nature. Today you can take any important decision which will bring prosperity in future. Good day to invest.

 Angel Message – enjoy the moment.

Lucky Color – White

Lucky Number – 4


Tarot Card - Wheel of Fortune – Big changes are coming your way. Embrace the reality. Money will come from unexpected sources.

Angel Message – Be grateful for whatever you have.

Lucky Color – Orange

Lucky Number – 1


Tarot Card – 2 of Cups – Good day to start a partnership deal in business. Worklife will be balance today . Good day to start a new relationship , marriage proposal are on card. Money flow will be high.

Angel Message – Spent some time with your loved one  

Lucky Color – Yellow

Lucky Number – 5


Tarot Card- Ace of Wands Use your creativity to achieve your goals today.Today new and positive future, especially in the area of occupation. Good day to invest.

Angel Message – use your creativity

Lucky Color – Brown

Lucky Number – 6


Tarot Card- Page of Wands – Good news is coming your way. Be like a child carefree and live in the moment. You will be very active and cheerful today.

Angel Message – Use your energy wisely

Lucky Color – Orange

Lucky Number - 2

Tarot Card- Page of Pentacles New beginnings is on the cards. Good news is on its way. Finacially will be at abundance. Good time to invest.

Angel Message – Enjoy the moment

Lucky Color – Orange

Lucky Number – 3

Tarot Card – The Sun – Today is day of joy,harmony and happiness. Travel is on the cards. Be like a child carefree and live the moment.

Angel Message – Believe in yourself.

Lucky Color – Red and yellow

Lucky Number – 9

Tarot Card - 3 of Pentacles Spent your money wisely. Be careful or be clear with your partner in business dealings. Save some money.

Angel Message – Be Calm.

Lucky Color – White

Lucky Number – 3  


Hey lovely people that’s it for today. Always remember, the universe has got your back. So just ask for it and you will receive what you desire. 

Lots of love Rj Aaliya

Rj ,Tarot and Energy Healer

Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium.