Ayurvedic benefits of wood apples or bilva

Pratidin Bureau

Wood apples, commonly known as bilva or bael, are a popular variety of fruit in India. Take a look at it's many Ayurvedic benefits.

Wood apples | Image: Google

An unripe wood apple is hot in potency and vipaka(digesive effect). It aggravates the Pitta(digestion) and pacifies vata(air) and kapha(earth and water) doshas.

Wood apples | Image: Google

Wood apples, when consumed unripe, are very effective in improving digestion and preventing constipation.

Wood apples | Image: Google

The ripened fruit helps with diarrhoea as it is vistambhakar. However, it's best to use unripe wood apples.

Wood apples | Image: Google

The roots of the wood apple plant prevent vomiting and nauses.

Wood apples | Image: Google

Churna from the leaves of the plant balances the three doshas and is effective in preventing abdominal colic pain, dyspepsia and gastritis.

Wood apples | Image: Google

Decoction of the stem or bark of the plant plays a key role in treating heart related ailments, improves digestion and is useful in rheumatoid arthritis.

Wood apples | Image: Google