Highest Rated Physiological Thriller Movies Of All Time

(IMDb: 8.6, Rotten Tomatoes: 96%) - Considered a classic, this film explores the dark mind of Hannibal Lecter, a brilliant psychiatrist and cannibalistic serial killer.

(IMDb: 8.4, Rotten Tomatoes: 99%) - Alfred Hitchcock's masterpiece explores themes of obsession, scopophilia, and repressed guilt.

(IMDb: 8.6, Rotten Tomatoes: 95%) - Two detectives, one nearing retirement and the other a hothead, work together to find a serial killer who stages his murders based on the seven deadly sins.

(IMDb: 8.6, Rotten Tomatoes: 99%) - This South Korean dark comedy thriller explores the themes of wealth disparity and class struggle.

(IMDb: 8.4, Rotten Tomatoes: 94%) - This critically-acclaimed film offers a social commentary on race relations in America.