India's First Female Mining Engineer

Pratidin Bureau

Dr Chandrani Prasad Verma is India's first female mining engineer who fought all odds to pursue her passion.

First Female Mining Engineer | Image: Google

At an early age she decided to follow her father's footsteps as a miner. Mining stories from her father always fascinated her to take it as a profession.

First Female Mining Engineer | Image: Google

She grew up in the Western Coalfields colony in the Chandrapur district of Maharashtra State, India.

First Female Mining Engineer | Image: Google

After completing her schooling, she pursued in mining and mine surveying in 1995 from Govt. Polytechnic College, Nagpur.

First Female Mining Engineer | Image: Google

After her diploma she took Bachelor's degree in mining from Ramdeobaba Engineering College, Nagpur, in the first position with merit, in 1999.

First Female Mining Engineer | Image: Google

Further, she took her Master's in Mining Engineering from Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT), Nagpur.

First Female Mining Engineer | Image: Google

She was the only women candidate who cleared an interview at CSIR- Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research.

First Female Mining Engineer | Image: Google