" >In this Priyadarshan-directed comedy, Rajpal Yadav plays the role of Bajrangi "Bajey" Singh Bajbahadur, the spoiled brother of a village Thakurain. When a lottery ticket worth crores of rupees falls into their hands, Bajey finds himself at the center of a hilarious caper involving a motley crew of characters.
This horror-comedy stars Akshay Kumar as a psychiatrist who is called upon to investigate a series of strange occurrences at a haunted mansion. Rajpal Yadav plays the role of Chote Pandit, a bumbling assistant who provides much of the film's comic relief.
In this Priyadarshan comedy, Rajpal Yadav plays the role of Raja, a man who is mistaken for a wealthy businessman. As a result, he finds himself entangled in a web of mistaken identities and hilarious situations.
This romantic comedy stars Shahid Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor as a couple who pretend to be married in order to please their respective families. Rajpal Yadav plays the role of Bandaya, a servant who is caught up in their charade.
This musical comedy stars Sharman Joshi as a young man who travels to India to win over the girl of his dreams. Rajpal Yadav plays the role of Martand "Maru" Dhamdhere, a flamboyant musician who helps Joshi on his quest.
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