Though mythical, the unicorn remains a powerful symbol of Scotland, representing purity and innocence.
The world's largest lizard, the Komodo Dragon is a fearsome predator with a venomous bite.
This unusual creature is a relative of the musk ox and the goat, with a thick coat and impressive horns.
A hairless dog breed revered by ancient Mexicans, the Xoloitzcuintli (Xolo) comes in various sizes and is known for its intelligence and loyalty.
This long-legged African bird resembles a prehistoric creature with its powerful legs for stomping on prey, especially snakes.
An adorable and endangered black-and-white bear, the Giant Panda is a vegetarian with a unique diet of bamboo.
This flightless bird with a nocturnal lifestyle is a national symbol of New Zealand and an important part of the country's ecosystem.
Hardworking and skilled builders, the Canadian Beaver is an important part of the country's natural history and known for its iconic dams.
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