Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Tuesday said that it is only Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) who ensured peace and development in Assam. Addressing an election rally at Lumding, Singh said that the culture and dignity of the state will remain intact only during the BJP government.
Campaigning for BJP candidate Sibu Mishra, Singh said that no party could bring development to Assam other than BJP.
The minister also slammed the Congress over the alliance with AIUDF.
The minister also reiterated about the promises made by BJP in its manifesto adding that Rs. 3000 will be given to the women under Orunodoi scheme.
He further stated that the landless will be provided with land by the BJP, every student of Class VIII will be provided with free education.
Praising its government, the minister said that the party has erupted corruption. "35 lakh families have been provided with LPG cylinders. One of the major steps taken by BJP is implementation of Ayushman Bharat scheme," added Singh.
He further claimed that it is 100 percent sure that BJP will come to power once again in the state.