Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday accused the Congress of failing to solve the burning issues of Assam during their tenure in the state. Accusing the Congress, the Chief Minister promised to solve the issues of recurring floods, illegal migrants, and the condition of tea garden workers in the state.
Addressing an election rally at Udarbond, Adityanath asserted that the saffron party will permanently solve the problems of illegal migrants and flood menace if it is re-elected in the state.
He further stated that the BJP will also undertake a scheme for giving a new identity to tea gardens and its workers in the state.
He further stated that five years back (during Congress rule) there was no discussion on development of Assam and divisions were created among people on the basis of areas, for political gains. There were also problems of Bodoland, illegal migrants and insurgency adding that those problems have been solved under Prime Minister Narendra Modi who converted the "Look East" policy to "Act East" policy changing the image of the northeastern region.
Adityanath claimed that there is no militancy, lawlessness or infiltration in the northeastern states and Assam in particular.