North East Start Up & Entrepreneurs' Conclave 2024 Begins at Kalakshetra
The North East Centre for Technology Application and Reach (NECTAR), an autonomous body under the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India is organizing ‘North East Start Up & Entrepreneurs' Conclave 2024’ at Srimanta Sankaradeva Kalakshetra, Guwahati on 27th & 28th March 2024. The Conclave aims to foster innovation and entrepreneurship in North East India. It will also display the vibrancy of the North East startup ecosystem, bringing together stakeholders to unite investment, innovation, and connectivity. This was stated by Dr. Arun Kumar Sarma, Director General of NECTAR in a press conference today.
The Conclave was inaugurated by Prof. Abhay Karandikar, Secretary, Department of Science of Technology, Govt of India in online mode. This event will attract diverse audiences including school and university students, entrepreneurs, investors, industry professionals and business enthusiasts. The goal of this Conclave is to guide the youth energy into constructive innovation and to address regional challenges, which shall foster economic development of the region.
NECTAR has been working for the last 10 years to promote and implement appropriate science and technology solutions for improving lives, livelihoods and wellbeing of NE region and empowerment of communities through sustainable development. The techno-conclave is a flagship event of NECTAR organized since the year 2019.
The conclave will provide a platform to bring together scientists, technologists, academicians, entrepreneurs, farmers and artisans and students to discuss various S&T applications for socioeconomic development of the NE region. The event featured multiple technical sessions on topics and issues like technology diffusion in the NE region; S&T innovation for generating livelihood in the agriculture, horticulture, food processing and bamboo sectors; mitigating flood and erosion hazard; application of geospatial technology; Information and communication technology (ICT); technology development specifically for the northeast; science-technology-heritage connect in the northeast etc. A large number of entrepreneurs, promoted and supported by NECTAR will gather to share their success stories.
The event is supported by Technical Partners – Invest India, Startup India, SABF, NIF-India and IASST as well as Organizing Partners IHFC-IIT Delhi, INSA, NIF-India, VIBHA, UBA and IASST.
A Technology Expo was also organized, which will provide an opportunity for technology developers and end-users to showcase their ideas, products and processes resulting from application of S&T in various development domains. The Technology Expo was inaugurated by Prof. Ashutosh Sharma, President of Indian National Science Academy and Shri Praveen Ramadas, National Joint Organising Secretary of Vijanana Bharati (VIBHA). More than 60 technology providers, innovators, entrepreneurs, and startups including about twenty-five technology institutions and R&D labs of Central and State Governments, NGOs, companies, cooperatives, and farmer-producers’ organizations, have participated in the Technology Expo.
A Quiz and Debate competition will also be held to encourage students at colleges and universities to explore the exciting world of emerging socially relevant technologies for NE India. Another attraction of the event was a cultural function in the evening of 27th March with diverse forms of rich traditional music and dance of NE Region.
Two days long North East Start Up & Entrepreneurs' Conclave 2024 will be concluded on 28th March at Srimanta Sankaradeva Kalakshetra, Guwahati
North East Start Up & Entrepreneurs' Conclave 2024 North East Start Up & Entrepreneurs' Conclave 2024 North East Start Up & Entrepreneurs' Conclave 2024 North East Start Up & Entrepreneurs' Conclave 2024