
Hrithik Roshan named as world’s most handsome man

Hrithik Roshan named as world’s most handsome man

Pratidin Bureau
New Update
Hrithik Roshan named as world’s most handsome man

Bollywoodactor Hrithik Roshan has been named as the 'Most Handsome Man in the World' bya US agency. He defeated Chris Evans, David Beckham, Robert Pattinson and OmarBorkan Al Gala for the title.


Meanwhile,reacting to the title, Hrithik said, "Well, it's broccoli. Just kidding! I'mthankful for this title although on the face of it, it's not really anachievement." The actor further added, "If there's anything one should aspirefor and value the most in this world, it's their character. A good character willalways make you look more attractive."

It maybe mentioned here that earlier in 2016, the actor was voted as the third mosthandsome man. Last year, he defeated Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Prince William andothers to be placed at number 7 in the most handsome man list.

Bollywood Hrithik Roshan Most Handsome Man