Amazon Rainforest: Brazil Ask Diplomats to Fix Image

Amazon Rainforest: Brazil Ask Diplomats to Fix Image
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Stung by a global outcry over deforestation and wildfires in the Amazon rainforest, Brazil has launched a diplomatic offensive to persuade the international community of its environmental credentials.

A 12-page circular has been distributed by theadministration of President Jair Bolsonaro to its foreign embassies, outlining dataand statistics that diplomats are meant to cite to defend the government'sposition on the crisis.

The circular attempts to address 59 areas beingreviewed by Reuters where Brazil has come under fire by citing various policiesand data.

The office of French President Emmanuel Macron evenaccused Bolsonaro of lying when he played down concerns over climate change atthe G20 summit in June.

The diplomats, when contacted by Reuters said that thepressure on Brazil has ramped up in recent days, with images of the rainforestablaze shown around the world.

The diplomats further said that the Brazilianembassies have been sent strong messages by the members of the public promptingthem to send the circular.

Although the circular ignores some of PresidentBolsonaro's more controversial policies but it attempts to rebut criticism ofBrazil's environmental record.

The circular neglects to mention that deforestationhas been rising steadily again since 2012, due partially to the strugglingBrazilian economy and budget cuts that resulted in less environmentalenforcement.

The preliminary data, this year, suggest thatdeforestation in Brazil's Amazon has surged 67% through July compared to thesame period last year. The number of fires has surged 83% this year.

According to report, more than 60% of Brazil'sterritory (Amazon) is covered by natural vegetation, with agriculturalactivities limited to about 30% of the territory.

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