The passengers from Assam who were left stranded following the tragic train derailment at Raghunathpur in Bihar's Buxar on Wednesday (October 11) night, deboarded at the Kamakhya Junction in Guwahati.
The special relief train that had left Raghunathpur on Thursday arrived in Guwahati at around 1 am past midnight.
A total of 311 passengers deboarded the special train at Kamakhya Junction. They were provided with special bus services to drop them at their respective houses.
According to reports, the bus services plied from the Kamakhya Junction to Shillong, Lokhra, Hajo, Amingaon, Narengi, Basistha, Kahilipara, Garchuk and other regions.
The passengers were also provided with fooding and medical supplies by the railways. Having arrived at Kamakhya, the passengers elaborated on the unfortunate incident.
Earlier on Thursday, reports claimed that the special train carrying the stranded passengers of 12506 Northeast Express from Delhi to Kamakhya was now expected to arrive Kamakhya station at around 01:15 am.
General Manager of the Northeast Frontier Railway Chetan Kumar Shrivastava shall be present at the station, informed sources.