The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Sunday arrested seven accused including an Additional Divisional Railway Manager of Guwahati, a contractor, hawala operator, bribe-giver etc in a bribery case of Rs 50 lakhs.
A case was registered against an Additional Divisional Railway Manager (ADRM), Guwahati and other private persons including contractors etc. It was alleged that the accused had entered into a conspiracy with the intention of showing undue favours to the private contractors for awarding of contract agreements, preparation of measurement book, processing of running account bills, early release of payment against pending bills and for the ongoing work of construction in North East Frontier Railway (NFR) as well as for early release of security deposit and bank guarantees.
It was further alleged that the ADRM, Guwahati was habitual of demanding and accepting undue advantage from various contractors while being posted as Chief Engineer of Construction in New Jalpaiguri for NFR.
It was also alleged that a contractor was facilitating the delivery of the bribe to ADRM, Guwahati through his acquaintance from a hawala operator in Delhi.
CBI laid a trap and caught an acquaintance of ADRM, Guwahati while accepting bribe of Rs. 50 Lakh on behalf the said ADRM delivered through hawala channel. The ADRM and said private persons were also caught.
Searches were conducted at the premises of ADRM and others in various locations including at Delhi, Narora, Guwahati, Siliguri and Aligarh which led to recovery of approximately Rs.47 lakh cash, laptops and several incriminating documents.
All the arrested accused will be produced today before the competent court.