The police in Guwahati arrested a youth for cybercrime and extortion, officials informed on Saturday. According to the police, the accused collected funds from easily deceived people for registration to a right-winged organization named Rudraveerya Sena attaching the name of the Bharatiya Janata Party Yuva Morcha (BJYM) illegally.
The Cyber Crime branch of Assam Police in Guwahati nabbed the accused from Ganeshguri and charged him under several sections of cybercrime. The Bharatiya Janata Party Assam Pradesh filed a complaint with the Cyber Crime department which mentioned that an online registration form seeking an amount of Rs 150. The online form is titled 'BJYM APPLICATION FORM (RUDRAVEERYA SENA)' the complaint added.
The accused mentioned BJP Yuva Morcha elections among other things as he conned people online into paying money for registration, it has been alleged. The accused racked up huge sums of illegally accumulated money through the forms.
He was caught last night from Ganeshguri in Guwahati and was subsequently interrogated, officials said.