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China: 327 New Cases of Coronavirus, Toll reaches 2,788

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Mainland China has reported 327 new confirmed cases of Coronavirus infections on Thursday, as said by the country's National Health Commission on Friday. However, the cases are down from 433 cases a day earlier and the lowest since January 23.

With the new cases reported yesterday, the totalaccumulated number of confirmed cases in mainland China stands at 78,824.

China's central Hubei province, the epicenter of theoutbreak, had 318 new confirmed cases, down from 409 cases a day earlier andthe lowest since January 24.

Other than Hubei, mainland China reported just nine new cases on Thursday, down from 24 a day earlier.

Moreover, the provincial capital of Wuhan reported 313confirmed cases, down from 383 a day earlier and the lowest since January 26.

The death toll in mainland China reached 2,788 as onThursday which was up by 44 from the previous day.

Hubei reported 41 new deaths on Thursday, while inWuhan, 28 people died.

Pratidin Time