A cheap anti Malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine has been approved by the Indian Council for Medical Research(ICMR) to fight the high-risk cases of the Corona Virus for the high-risk patients as well as health workers who are fighting the disease..
The medicine is giving brilliant result with the ongoing patient treatment. The National task Force for COVID 19 today gave final approval for the widespread use of this disease although a section was egging for more clinical trial. But it is not for common people yet.
This medicine was discovered way back in the 1940s and a milder version of Choloruqine, the popular cheap anti-malarial drug.
This medicine was developed 70 years ago as anti Malarial drug and has been widely used from China to Denmark in their fight against the Coronavirus but no government agency has so far formally approved it seeking more time for the clinical trial.
The France and Denmark as well Chinese authorities have been widely using it but WH has not yet officially approved it.
The medicine was touted by US President Donald Trump alsobut it was not accepted by a large section as the DFA and WHO have not yet recommended.
But today the ICMR recommended the medicine. This medicine is very cheap and expected to give a lot of relief to the people fighting Coronavirus.