Horoscope today: Tarot readings by RJ Aaliya
Horoscope today: Tarot readings by RJ Aaliya

Horoscope Today, January 8: Check Tarot Readings For Your Zodiac

Always remember, the universe has got your back. So just ask for it and you will receive what you desire.
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Hello lovely souls, I am RJ Aaliya, tarot reader, clairvoyant and psychic medium who will deviate you to attract abundance prosperity, love and peace for January 8.


1. ARIES (March 21 - April 19)

Tarot card – The world – Today is great day for you. All your hard work will pay you back. Financially very satisfying day. Good news on it way.

Angel Message – Enjoy the moment.

Lucky Color – White

Lucky Number – 2

2. TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)

Tarot Card – The Hermit  Time for you to give some time to your loved ones and spend some time alone. Time for you to reconsider your decisions. Take some proper rest. Be gentle to yourself.

Angel Message – Reconnect to yourself.

Lucky Color – White

Lucky Number – 1

3. GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)

Tarot Card – Judgment – Today you will be awakened from inside. Time for some new possibilities. Forgive yourself and others. Today let go of destructive emotions like guilt, fear and blame.

Angel Message – Be Kind to yourself.   

Lucky Color – Green

Lucky Number – 3

4. CANCER (June 21 - July 22)

Tarot Card – 8 of Swords  Don’t put restrictions on your emotion, express yourself. Remember you are blessed with many great qualities so utilize them. Don't be the prisoner of your thoughts, it's a phrase that will pass soon.

Angel Message – Spend some time in nature.

Lucky Color – Yellow 

Lucky Number – 1

5. LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22)

Tarot Card – 5 of Cups – Don’t live in your past, its gone and you cannot change it so live in your present. You are suffering through emotional turmoil but focus on the good things that you have. Trust yourself.

Angel Message – Let go of things.

Lucky Color – White

Lucky Number – 5

6. VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sept 22)

Tarot Card- 10 of Wands – Bad phase of your life is about to be over. Accept the situation and move . Very soon new things will happen to you, be ready for that. Let go of the pain.

Angel Message – Connect yourself with nature.

Lucky Color –Yellow

Lucky Number – 9

7. LIBRA (Sept 23 - Oct 22)

Tarot Card – 5 of Pentacles – Financially today you will be facing hardship. Don’t take or give any loans today. Emotional it will be very difficult for you make others understand how are you feeling or going through. Avoid fights.

Angel Message – Time for some mediation.   

Lucky Color – White

Lucky Number – 4

8. SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

Tarot Card – The world  World will be at your feet today. End of pain financial and emotional cycle. Today you will get fruitful results from your effort. You dreams will come true. Today is your day, enjoy and be grateful.

Angel Message – Live in the moment.

Lucky Color –   Pink    

Lucky Number – 6

9. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

Tarot Card - Page of Cups – New project is on the cards. This card also indicates childbirth and pregnancy. Beware of over-sensitivity. Listen to your intuition. Control or balance your emotions.

Angel Message – Time for some self-analysis.

Lucky Color – yellow   

Lucky Number - 5

10. CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

Tarot Card - Queen of Pentacles  Today you will be financially and emotionally stable. Today is a great day for your business or any new job or deal. You will be in limelight today. You will be able to manage money well.

Angel Message – Spend some time in nature.

Lucky Color – Brown

Lucky Number – 9

11. AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

Tarot Card – Queen of Swords – Today you will be very straightforward. Avoid fights. Be honest and truthful. Control your temper. Be kind to everyone.

Angel Message – Believe in yourself.

Lucky Color – Brown

Lucky Number – 9

12. PISCES (Feb 19 - March 20)

Tarot Card – 2 of Wands  Travel is on the cards. Expansion of business or promotions is on the cards. This card indicates success and prosperity. Great time to plan your future.

Angel Message – Work on yourself.

Lucky Color – White

Lucky Number – 5  

Hey lovely people that’s it for today. Always remember, the universe has got your back. So just ask for it and you will receive what you desire.

Lots of love RJ Aaliya

RJ, Tarot and Energy Healer

Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium.

Follow me in instagram @mediumofmiracles555.

You can reach me at - 6000652920.

Pratidin Time