
AAU Convocation held

AAU Convocation held

Pratidin Bureau
New Update
AAU Convocation held

            Addressing the 21st convocation ofAssam Agricultural University in Jorhat today, Prof. Mukhi said that Assam'seconomy is mainly agrarian and to improve the overall agricultural developmentin the state the agricultural students should take a proactive role. He alsosaid that for the overall agricultural development in the state shifting offocus from rice centric to rice based multi-cropping system needs to bepracticed extensively. He also advocated for extension of research activitiesfor skill up-gradation of the farmers.


           Prof. Mukhi while complementing the enviable growth rate registered bythe University in the spheres like teaching, research, extension services,infrastructure and human resource development said that Assam AgriculturalUniversity should take the interests in transferring fruits of the developmentto benefit the farming community of the state which is 68 per cent of its totalpopulation.

           Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal while speaking on the occasionappealed to the graduates and research scholars to work dedicatedly to lendcapacity augmentation of the agriculture sector of the state. He also said thatthere must be synergy between agriculturists and agriculture scientists tobring about revolutionary changes in agriculture. He also exhorted that theremust be frequent and closed interactions between the farmers and agriculturalscientists to empower the farming community of the state and enable them toface all challenges and bring about paradigm shift in agriculture. He also saidthat Assam Agricultural University should take the role of precursor inunleashing a bright future for the farmers of the state.

It may be noted that altogether 1427graduates, post-graduates and research scholars were given degree ofcommendation in the convocation. Doctor of Science degree (Honoris Causa) wasgiven to Dr. Panjab Singh, President, National Academy of Agricultural Scienceand Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research and Dhruba Sarma,noted agripreneur on the occasion. Agriculture Minister Atul Bora and Jorhat MPKamakhya Prasad Tasa along with other dignitaries were present on the occasion.

Jagadish Mukhi Convocation Assam Governor