Assamese Filmmaker Rima Das has been provided a financial assistance of Rs. 50lakhs by Assam State Film (Finance & Development) Corporation (AFFDC) for her new film Purno Chandra.
AFFDC Chairman, Jatin Bora today made the announcement through a press conference on Monday. He also stated that the Assam Government has approved the film subsidiary rules to financially help the producers and directors in the state.
The press conference was also attended by Rima Das.
The filmsubsidiary rules include documentary, short films and animation films within itsfold for the first time.
The new rulealso states that the government will also provide up to Rs 25lakh to afull-length movie or a child movie.
Bora alsoinformed that an animation movie can also receive a maximum subsidy of Rs.25lakh from the government depending on the length and aspects of the movie.