Amid the ongoing floods in Majuli, a woman was trampled to death by a herd of wild elephants on Wednesday in the island district. The herd of elephants also damaged several houses in the area.
Amid the ongoing floods in Majuli, a woman was trampled to death by a herd of wild elephants on Wednesday in the island district. The herd of elephants also damaged several houses in the area. The herd reportedly moved from Kaziranga National Park (KNP) to Majuli as the park has been submerged underwater.
Asper reports, the incident took place in the wee hours in Dakshinpat Kumargaon,when the victim, Renu Kalita, went out of her house. One of the tuskers caughthold of Renu and smashed her on the ground with its trunk. She immediately diedon the spot.
Twoothers also sustained injuries during the attack by the herd.
As per reports, there was little that the locals could do except look on as the herd went on a rampage in the area. Though the locals informed Forest department officials about the presence of the elephant herd in the area, they did not visit the area.