AGP on Wednesday slammed Assam BJP president Ranjeet Kumar Dass for his comment- "No political party could touch BJP." Addressing a news conference in Guwahati, West Gauhati MLA and AGP leader Ramendra Narayan Kalita said, "BJP is the major opponent of AGP in this panchayat election." He also added, "This is a political comment of Ranjeet Dass and we will see when time comes."
On the other hand, Kamalpur MLA and AGP leader Satyabrat Kalita thrashed Congress and Ranee Narah for her statement that Congress would win 95 percent seats. "Ranee Narah has lived many days in Delhi and she is simply day-dreaming about this election," said Satyabrat Kalita. He also asked Ranee to visit grass-root level.
Meanwhile, Ramendra Narayan Kalita rubbished Congress' allegation of secret understanding between AGP and BJP in the panchayat polls. He reiterated AGP's stand on contesting the panchayat polls alone.