World Environment Day has been celebrated in different parts of Assam with various programmes like planting of saplings, preserving biodiversity etc. The Kaziranga National Park authority also celebrated the day in a different way.
Celebrating theenvironment day with the theme of 'Celebrating Biodiversity', the research officerof the park Robin Sarma said, "Generally the theme for environment day has beentaken like 'Ban Plastic', 'Conservation of Nature' etc but this year the themeis unique. The love and affection for wildlife is the actual celebration of 'WildlifeCelebration'."
He alsowished that the incident which happened in Kerala of killing an innocentpregnant elephant with food stuffed with firecrackers should not be repeatedagain anywhere in the world.
Sarma also urged the people to save biodiversity and only when it would be the actual celebration of environment day.
On the otherhand, the BJP unit of Darrang district also celebrated the environment day bytaking a pledge to plant more than 4000 saplings in the district. Five saplingswill be planted in each booth under the leadership of Darrang district BJPPresident Amar Sarma. They also pledged to plant medicinal herbs in thedistrict.
Meanwhile,the environment day has also been celebrated at Nalbari under the aegis ofNalbari district administration. The district has celebrated the day byplanting saplings in the divider of National Highway No 31.