Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal on Thursday launched major schemes for women empowerment in Mahila Samaroh at Sarusajai Stadium.
Sonowal launched Vistarita Kanaklata Mahila Sabalikaran Yojana which will pay a capital subsidy of Rs. 50, 000 each and Revolving Fund of Rs. 25,000 each to Self-help groups (finance). These schemes are empowering women.
Sonowal also launched Jeevika Sakhi Express, where Scootys' have been provided to 4,238 Jeevika Sakhis.
Moreover, the government will provide a pension of Rs.300 for unmarried and divorced women older than 35 years under Aideu Handique Mahila Sanman Achani.
Under 'Mukhya Mantri Divyangjan Atma Nirvar Achani', a sustainable income-generating scheme for 'Divyangjan' will provide assistance to a lakh specially-abled people.
At the event, CM urged women to play their role in building Atmanirbhar Assam.