The Congress party on Saturday announced its candidates for Assam Assembly by-elections. The party has fielded Keshab Prasad Rajak in Ratabari, Shamsul Hoque in Jania, Kartik Kurmi in Rangapara and Sushil Suri in Sonari assembly constituencies.
According to a press release bythe party, Congress president Sonia Gandhi has approved the candidature of thecandidates. Along with the four seats in Assam, the party fielded Rajman Benzamfor Chitrakot constituency in Chhattisgarh assembly.
The by-election is going to be held on October 21. Sonari, Rangapara, Ratabari and Jania constituencies were represented by Tapan Kumar Gogoi (BJP), Pallab Lochan Das (BJP), Kripanath Malla (BJP) and Abdul Khaleque (Congress) respectively.
The last date of filing nominationsis September 30. The poll results will be announced on October 24.