The Android-based 'cVigil' application launched by the Election Commission to report evidentiary proof of model code of conduct / expenditure violation, with live photo/video and auto location data, is turning to be a huge hit in the upcoming election.
cVIGIL mobile application has been launched by Election Commission of India in July last year and complaints on violations of poll code can be uploaded on it. The App gives people an opportunity to click pictures and take videos of poll code violations and send it to election officers concerned. The App can find the exact location of the complaint.
"cVigil stands for Vigilant Citizen and emphasizes on the proactive and responsible role citizens can play in the conduct of free and fair elections.
Fifty-six teams including two defacements and two Model Code of Conduct team in each LAC help act on the complaints. "The GIS-based dashboard helps ignore frivolous and unrelated cases, reducing the workload of the election machinery on ghost complaints.
"For strict complicance of Model Code of Conduct, the Election Commission of India has ensured participation of general public through cVIGIL app in the general elections to Lok Sabha-2019.Through this latest mobile application, the citizens can directly report the complaints related to violation of Model Code of Conduct.
People can upload related picture or two-minute video on the App. Within 20 minutes after the registration of the complaint, the team concerned would reach the location and efforts would be made to redress the complaint within 100-minutes,
Delay in reporting Model Code of Conduct (MCC) violations has often resulted in the culprits escaping detection from the flying squads of Election Commission. Further, lack of any documented, untampered, evidence in the form of pictures or videos was a major hurdle in establishing the veracity of a complaint ex-post facto. 'cVigil' was just what the administration ordered.