
DSP’s PSO arrested for supplying weapons to robbers

DSP’s PSO arrested for supplying weapons to robbers

Pratidin Bureau
New Update
DSP’s PSO arrested for supplying weapons to robbers

TheNalbari Police have arrested a Protective Service Officer (PSO) of a DSP forallegedly supplying weapons to robbers. The PSO has been identified as ManojSaikia.


Accordingto reports, the PSO has been regularly in touch with several robbers as well aswith their gangs. Saikia has been providing modern weapons to those robbers. Hewas the PSO of a Special Reverse Force DSP.

Acting on a tip-off, Nalbari Sadar OC Tapan Kalita led an operation to nab Saikia from Ganesh Hotel in Barjhar area in Nalbari. The police team also seized weapons from Saikia's possession.

Assam police PSO dsp