Nareshwar Rabha, a retired army man residing in Assam's Goalpara district, had embarked on his early morning routine, taking his bicycle from his home and heading towards his garden to cut rubber, but things unfortunately took a drastic turn.
Rabha, a man in his 60s, came across a herd of wild elephants and was subsequently attacked. The retired serviceman was fatally trampled by the elephants, resulting in his passing.
The incident was reported at Dahikta Pohlanpara under Mornoi police station.
Locals were quickly alerted of the incident and informed authorities who later arrived and recovered the body for post-mortem. A pall of gloom has descended upon the region following the tragic incident.
Earlier last month, a woman lost her life after she was being attacked by a wild elephant at Bhalukdubi locality of Goalpara.
The deceased woman, identified as Mehbuba Alam Ahmed, met a similar fate as she too was was on her routine morning walk when she was attacked and killed by the wild jumbo.
Mehbuba was a resident of Kalpana Nagar in Goalpara town.