
Good news for the TET qualified students!

Good news for the TET qualified students!

Pratidin Bureau
New Update
Guidelines for TET examination announced

Bringingsome good news for the Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) qualified students of theState, Assam Education Minister Siddhartha Bhattacharya on Wednesday statedthat the appointment of the teachers in the primary schools of Assam will beginafter Magh Bihu.


Takingto social networking site Facebook, the Minister wrote, "We will initiate thenew appointment process in the primary schools of Assam after the Bihu. Kindlyco-operate us in the process."

Screengrab of Minister Bhattacharya's FB post

It may be mentioned here that the Assam TET 2019 was conducted after a gap of seven years and SEBA declared the results of the online on 31 December 2019. In the Lower Primary (LP) level, a total 2,18,164 students appeared and 18,905 students cleared the examination, while a total 1,58,648 students appeared and 15,304 students qualified in the Upper Primary (UP) level.

TET TET Teachers Siddhartha Bhattacharya Assam teacher