
Guwahati: One held for extortion

Guwahati: One held for extortion

Pratidin Bureau
New Update
Guwahati: One held for extortion

A man has been arrested by the police on Saturday morning for trying to extort money in name of some militant outfits in Guwahati. The primary investigation revealed that he worked for Uber as a driver.


The man, identified as Hamid Mullah, was arrested from Satgaon area for claiming himself to be a militant organisation's operative and demanding money from a city-based businessman.

Mullahwas apprehended after he demanded Rs. 5 lakh from the businessman named KhaibarAli, who resides in Satgaon area of Guwahati.

Mullahis a resident of Howly in Barpeta. Police also seized his Uber vehicle.

The Uberdriver demanded money through phone calls, which helped the police to trace andarrest him.

Uber Satgaon Guwahati Extortion