
HSLC: 14 government schools in Dima Hasao score zero

HSLC: 14 government schools in Dima Hasao score zero

Pratidin Bureau
New Update
HSLC: 14 government schools in Dima Hasao score zero

Private schools in Dima Hasaohave once again outperformed the government run schools in the recentlydeclared HSLC examination results conducted by SEBA.


Not a single student fromfourteen government schools was able to pass the HSLC examination. The schoolshave recorded zero percent result in the examination.

Similarly, in 2018, sixschools in Dima Hasao have recorded zero percent result. It should be mentionedthat the schools lack adequate number of teachers since long. Also the studentscome from poor backgrounds and most of their parents are illiterate and couldnot properly guide their children in their studies.

"During pre-matric selection test we have disqualified many students but later qualified them after their parents request and promise to guide them through private tutors," a teacher of Jatinga HS School said.

On the other hand, Dima HasaoInspector of School Biren Singh Engti said that several posts of teacher arelying vacant in the district. "The government has allowed only TeachersEligibility Test (TET) certificates holder for the post of teacher at governmentsschools, hence appointment is very low in the district," Engti said.

"Also some teachers have beenengaged in election duty and several other duties by the government, which isthe main reason behind the poor performance. The other new appointment processalso took time which ultimately impact on studies of students," added Engti.

However, Engti said, "Afterconsulting with the council authorities a departmental action will be taken againstthose school authorities who failed to pass their students."

A total of 1,555 students outof total 2,691 students have cleared the HSLC exam in Dima Hasao district.

Dima Hasao TET HSLC SEBA Biren Singh Engti Jatinga