The Brahmin Samaj on Tuesday said that Zubeen Garg's remark against them was a slip of tongue. Addressing a joint press conference by Brahmin Samaj and Zubeen Garg in Mangaldoi, Sunil Kumar Goswami, the president of the Samaj said, "Zubeen did not have any grudge towards the Brahmin community."
Itmay be mentioned here that Zubeen landed in a controversy after he said,"Brahmins should be killed." Almost 17 police cases have been filed by severalBrahmin groups demanding apology and punishment for the popular singer. Later,Zubeen had said, "This is not what I meant, people are taking it in a differentdirection. I had no intention of hurting anyone's emotion. I will clarify thiswithin a day or two."
On the other hand, Zubeen today maintained that he would always oppose any discrimination in the society.