Around 51 kg of ganja was seized near Assam-Tripura border at Churaibari locality on Monday morning. Based on the information, police led by the Churaibari in charge raided a car with the registration number AS 11EC-4166 and seized ganja from four packets stashed within a metal trunk box near the checkpoint.
Surprisingly, the drug peddlers smuggled the seized narcotics in a metal trunk box bearing the embossed name of the Border Security Force (BSF).
Karimganj Police have also arrested two traffickers including the driver for allegedly smuggling ganja.
The two arrested persons have been identified as Bodiut Zaman and Anisul Islam. According to the police, they are both Guwahati residents.
It has also been ascertained that the smugglers had intended to transport the ganja from Agartala to Guwahati.
Meanwhile, a case has been registered in this regard and the police have launched an investigation for more details.