
KVS agree to teach Assamese during school hours

KVS agree to teach Assamese during school hours

Pratidin Bureau
New Update
KVS agree to teach Assamese during school hours

Kendriya VidyalayaSangathan (KVS) has finally agreed to keep Assamese language as a regularsubject to be taught within the school hours for about 2 or 3 periods per week.The move came after a meeting of top CBSE officials and Assam Sahitya Sabha.


Pertaining to thismatter, Assam Sahitya Sabha has called for a press briefing today.

Earlier, CBSEcircular stressed on following points and made it compulsory for all schoolsaffiliated to CBSE made it clear that

  • If at least 15 or more students opt to study an additional language, the teaching of the additional language may be taken up by the respective schools as per requirement beyond the school hours. Teaching staff and all other facilities such as classrooms, etc for the teaching of the additional language(s) should be made available.
  • The Principals may be directed to make a comprehensive assessment of the requirement of teaching of the additional language(s) and evolve appropriate modalities in consultation with stakeholders.

On May 13, Assam Sahitya Sabha opposing Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan(KVS)'s move to make Assamese language irrelevant in its schools, threatened todemonstrate democratic protest against the KVS's move.

Notably, Deputy Commissioner of KVS, Chandradip Nilap informed theliterary body that the decision can only be handled or solved by the Centralgovernment. He also urged Assam Sahitya Sabha not to demonstrate any kind ofprotest in front of Kendriya Vidyalayas in the State.

KVS Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Assam Assamese Assam Sahitya Sabha