Former ChiefMinister of Assam Tarun Gogoi today claimed that over one lakh genuine Indiancitizens will be left out of the final list of National Register of Citizens(NRC) of all those who settled in Assam up to the midnight of March 24, 1971.
While referringto Army veteran Mohammad Sanaullah who has been released today after theGauhati High Court has granted interim bail, Gogoi said that the NRC is a wastepaper and has become valueless now. Gogoi said, "It is certain that lakhs ofgenuine citizens will be excluded from the final draft of NRC. The SupremeCourt should not have given the sole responsibility to Prateek Hajela to updatethe registration of citizens'."
Gogoi furtheralleged that the whole exercise to update the NRC for detecting illegalforeigners by spending crores of rupees has been wasted. He also stated thatthe Assam government has no contribution in the Gauhati High Court grantingbail to Sanaullah. He also alleged that the government has even failed to takeaction against the investigating officer who lodged the FIR against the Armyveteran.
Referring toSanaullah's detention, Gogoi said that people have lost faith in the operationsof the Foreigners' Tribunal and that the government must order a probe into theoperation of the tribunals.The Supreme Court hasdirected the NRC authorities to publish the final NRC on July 31 and that theauthorities cannot extend the date further to publish the same.