
Meghalaya To Eliminate Malaria by 2030

The Government of Meghalaya has set a target of eliminating the disease of Malaria by 2030 as it has already brought down the cases to 87%

Pratidin Bureau
New Update
Meghalaya To Eliminate Malaria by 2030

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The Governmentof Meghalaya has set a target of eliminating the disease of Malaria by 2030 asit has already brought down the cases to 87% in the past three years.


According to an official of state health department, the state has been able to bring down the Malaria cases by 87% in the last three years.

As per theNational Framework for Malaria Elimination of the Union Home Ministry, aconcerted effort is mandated from the state government departments, armedforces and private partners to achieve the goal of malaria elimination by 2030.

The officialfurther stated that the control and prevention of malaria and othervector-borne diseases should not be left to the health department alone as perthe International campaign 'Zero Malaria Starts Me' which was the theme forthis year's World Malaria Day observed globally on April 25.

Malaria Meghalaya