Midday Meal Workers Demand Increase in Salary

Midday Meal Workers Demand Increase in Salary

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The workers association of midday meal scheme expressed dissatisfactionover the decision of the Education Minister Siddhartha Bhattacharyya afterhaving a discussion at Janata Bhawan on Monday.

The education minister assured the workers that their payment will bedone through the bank account as it was done earlier and that their job issecured. The minister also said that the NGOs have been given the contract foronly three years.

Bhattacharyya said, "Although the contract has been given to the NGO, the workers will still continue their work and their payment will be done with the old process through the bank account. Their work has become less so they need not worry."

He also said that the NGOs who have been provided less quantity of foodto the students will be taken action and said that the NGOs can't remove any ofthe workers who are working under the scheme.

The minister further informed that the deputy commissioners areinspecting the quality and quantity of food being provided by the NGOs addingthat those who will play with the food of the small children will be lookedafter and necessary action will be taken against them.

Bhattacharyya also said that they have also informed the Centre toincrease the incentive of the workers.

Talking about the blacklisted company, the minister said, if anyone hastaken the work by submitting fake documents, they will take action against themif proven guilty.  

However, the workers have expressed dissatisfaction over the discussion with the minister and said that they held the discussion for an increase in payment and regularization of jobs.

The workers association said that if the government won't meet their demand for increasing their payment, they will again stage a massive protest.

Pratidin Time