The body of a 9-year-old boy was found floating on Beki river in Assam’s Baksa district on Friday morning. The deceased minor boy, identified as Taharul Sheikh, hailed from Safakamar village located under Barnagar subdivision. He had gone missing six days ago while going to take bath in the river.
Sources said that his body was spotted floating on the river by locals today morning who immediately informed authorities.
Soon after, local police arrived at the scene and recovered the body for post-mortem.
Notably, a massive search operation was initiated earlier when the minor boy went missing. The State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) was pressed into action to locate the boy but was unsuccessful.
Recently, two lower primary school students died due to drowning while taking bath in a pond in Assam’s Karimganj district.
The students after returning home from school, named 203 No. Nayapathan LPS in Badarpur, went to take a bath in a nearby pond where the minors died after they slipped and fell in the pond, sources informed.
The family members after they noticed that their children, identified as Rustara Begum (14) and Nazira Begum (10), haven’t returned home after several hours of them going to take a bath. They asked the nearby people if they had seen them around and later recovered their bodies at a secluded pond in a nearby village during the dark hours.
Later, the police arrived at the spot and sent the bodies to Karinganj Civil Hospital for post-mortem examination.