
NFR recovers Rs 57 Crore from Ticket-less Travelers

NFR recovers Rs 57 Crore from Ticket-less Travelers

Pratidin Bureau
New Update
NFR recovers Rs 57 Crore from Ticket-less Travelers

The Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) reported  that the amount of fines collected from ticket-less travelers and un-booked luggage related cases has reached a whopping sum of Rs 57 crores in the financial year 2018-19.


This highest ever figure in the amount of fines collected by NFR has surpassed the total amount collected in the previous financial year, which was Rs 46.17 crore.

As per section 137, of the Indian Railway Act of 1989, travelling without ticket, improper ticket or un-booked luggage in an offence punishable by imprisonment or fine or both.

To discourage ticket-less travelling, Northeast Frontier Railway has put systems in place whereby surprise ticket checking drive is conducted by Flying Ticket Checking Squads of Divisions as well as HQ Fortress checks are also conducted in stations.

The total number of passenger who booked tickets during the financial year 2018-19 recorded an increase of about 7.88% in comparison to last year.The figure of originating passenger earnings also showed an increase of 8.50% over last year.

NF railway train passenger Railway Indian Railway Act