Assam BJP presidentRanjeet Kumar Dass on Saturday said that his party and ally Asom Gana Parishad(AGP) have not discussed the Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB). He also said thathis party's stand on the bill is clear and will continue to support it.
"We will implement every policy that the Centre asks us to do," said Dass while addressing the media in Guwahati. His remarks came at a time when AGP leaders have stated that they would continue to oppose the contentious bill.
Speaking on the issue ofrecently published National Register of Citizens (NRC), the State BJP presidenttermed the final list as faulty. "We want a fresh NRC and we know that peopleof Assam will support us in this cause."
It may be mentioned herethat Union home minister Amit Shah recently declared that the NRC exercisewould be conducted across the country.