Assam Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Saturday once again requested for re-verification of documents for a fair National Register of Citizens (NRC). Both Central and State governments had earlier requested for re-verification of documents in bordering and other districts by the Supreme Court of India.
"Ireiterate that as requested by Central and State governments at least 20%reverification (bordering districts) and 10% re-verification(remainingdistricts) should be allowed by Honble Apex court for a correct and fair NRC,"the Minister tweeted.
TheMinister also alleged that the names of refugees from Bangladesh who migratedbefore 1971 have not been included in the NRC as the authorities refused toaccept those certificates.
"Namesof many Indian citizens who migrated from Bangladesh as refugees prior to 1971have not been included in the NRC because authorities refused to accept refugeecertificates. Many names got included because of manipulation of legacy data asalleged by many," Sarma tweeted.
Itmay be mentioned here that more than 19 lakh names out of the total 3.29 croreapplicants we left out of the final NRC that was published today.