
Pollution control board fined with Rs. 1 crore

Pollution control board fined with Rs. 1 crore

Pratidin Bureau
New Update
Pollution control board fined with Rs. 1 crore

AssamCM Sarbananda Sonowal has been continuously claiming that Assam is becomingpollution-free State, but in reality pollution in Guwahati and other parts ofthe State has been continuously increasing.


Recently,the National Green Tribunal (NGT) has expressed its anger on Assam governmentand Assam State Pollution Control Board for their reluctant effort to curbpollution in the State.

Earlier,the NGT had asked the Assam government and State Pollution Control Board to ensurescientific disposal of medical waste to prevent damage to the environment andthe public health. But the concerned authorities had hardly done anything to controlpollution.

Notably, the GMC dumping ground at Boragaon in Guwahati is playing an active role in polluting the environment in and around the area as it is being used to dump industrial, medical and household waste. The waste comprises junks and waste of industries and medicals including syringes, heavy metals, plastics, aluminum cans etc. These wastes, in turn, come into contact with the water of the Deepor Beel contaminating it and thereby infecting a wide variety of underwater flora and fauna. Due to which, the endangered birds of Deepor Beel have been adversely affected.

As State Pollution Control Board has completely failed to manage the bio-medical wastes in the State, the NGT has fined the board with Rs. 1 crore.

With inputs from Asomiya Pratidin
Assam Assam government Sarbananda Sonowal Deepor Beel NGT