
‘Raj Bhawan Chalo’ Programme Against CAB by KMSS

The Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti (KMSS) has organized a massive protest with ‘Raj Bhawan Gherao’ programme against Citizenship Amendment Bill

Pratidin Bureau
New Update
‘Raj Bhawan Chalo’ Programme Against CAB by KMSS

The KrishakMukti Sangram Samiti (KMSS) has organized a massive protest with 'Raj BhawanGherao' programme against Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB).


Hundreds ofpeople gathered at Guwahati Club from where the Raj Bhawan Chalo programmewould be started.

KMSS Chief,Akhil Gogoi said that the political rights will be dismissed from theindigenous people of the state as soon as the CAB will be implemented. He alsourged the people of the state to oppose CAB so as to save their rights sayingthat if someone supports it he/she is not an Assamese. He also said that thereare 20 lakhs Bangladeshis in the state and after the implementation of the CAB,more than 1 crore 70lakh Bangladeshis will get the chance to enter Assameasily.

The KMSSwill submit a memorandum to the President and Prime Minister of India throughthe Governor.

The organization said that they won't accept CAB in any circumstances and that they will stage massive protests against it.

CAB KMSS Raj Bhawan