Jatin-Bora starrer Ratnakar, which was released on Friday, has taken a record-breaking start at the box office. The movie, which was also directed by Jatin and produced by Navanita Sarma, has collected around Rs. 42 lakh on its opening day in cinemas.
Thebusiness of the Assamese film was not affected at all by Hrithik and Tiger'sbudget film WAR (which is still dominating the Indian market).
ProducerSarma expressed her satisfaction over the total collection of the movie on itsopening day.
Themovie features Jatin Bora, Barsha Rani Bishaya, Nishita Goswami, along withRina Bora, Sanjeev Hazorika, Bishnu Kharghoria, and child-actor AshramikaSaikia.