
Rift erupts among TET teachers

Rift erupts among TET teachers

Pratidin Bureau
New Update
Rift erupts among TET teachers

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An internalrift has broken out among Assam Teachers' Eligibility Test (TET) teachers as TETSikshak Joutha Mancha has asked the TET qualified teachers to boycott theprotest organised by the All Assam TET Teachers Association on September13.


TET Sikshak Joutha Mancha on Wednesday decided not to co-operate in the protestorganised by All Assam TET Teachers Association. They further asked theprimary TET qualified teachers not to participate in the protest as they termedthe discussion with the Education Minister was fruitful.

"Weheld a discussion with the Education Minister regarding our demand on September2 and we are satisfied with the assurance given by the minister. So we do notwant the discussion to go in vain and urge the teachers not to participate inthe protest organised by the All Assam TET Teachers Association," said amember of TET Sikshak Joutha Mancha in Guwahati. The member further saidthat the education minister has assured them to take initiative to regularizethe job of contractual TET qualified teachers in the State.

It may be mentioned here that the All Assam TET Teachers Association has decided that they would stage a demonstration on September 13 in front of the office of the Elementary Officer in every district. If that fails to grip the State government's attention, then the association threatened to launch the 'Delhi Chalo' agitation.

TET TET Teachers Assam TET Teacher