Singapore Experts Reach Duliajan on Monday

Singapore Experts Reach Duliajan on Monday
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The three-member specialist team from Singapore reached Duliajan Guest House in the wee hours on Monday from Guwahati Airport. The specialists have travelled directly to Duliajan from Borjhar airport in a vehicle provided by Oil India Limited (OIL).

The gas and oil emission from the Baghjan oil field in Tinsukia is still continued and the specialist team from Singapore will sit on a discussion with the Managing Director cum Chairman of OIL Sushil Chandra Mishra along with other Directors', Fire and Emergency officers of ONGC and OIL and other specialists of the company. The team will discuss the latest situation in the blow out site and also how to control the oil and gas emission from the site.

The team will also discuss how the hydraulically driven mechanical transporter- an anti-blowout instrument prepared by OIL would be set up in the site.

According to OIL sources, the team, led by MichaelErnest Allcorn of the Singapore-based firm Alert Disaster Control, is expectedto reach the Baghjan oil field on Monday afternoon.

Asmany as 650 families, comprising 2,500 people, have been shifted to threerelief camps after the state-owned Oil India's (OIL) oil well at the Baghjanvillage in Tinsukia, around 550 km east of Guwahati, started spewing naturalgas on May 27.

OILwill pay Rs 30,000 as immediate relief to each impacted family. It was decidedat the Friday's tripartite meeting at the Tinsukia Deputy Commissioner'soffice, which was attended by the representatives of the Baghjan Gaon MilanJyoti Yuva Sangha and OIL officials.

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