
Support CAA helpline or Number for Netflix, Lonely Hearts?

Support CAA helpline or Number for Netflix, Lonely Hearts?

Pratidin Bureau
New Update
Support CAA helpline or Number for Netflix, Lonely Hearts?

After the BJP has released a toll-free number (8866288662) for the public to give a missed call to register their support for the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), the same number is now being shared by many Twitter accounts pretending to be bored women looking for companionship and for free Netflix subscription.


— Amit Shah (@AmitShah) January 3, 2020

Accordingto BJP leader Anil Jain, "This campaign is aimed to do away with misgivingsabout the CAA. People can give a missed call to toll-free number 8866288662 andextend their support to the new law."

— meghnad 🔗 (@Memeghnad) January 4, 2020

Interestingly,now several Twitter handles pretending to be bored lonely women are posting thesame number. Some went a little overboard with the offer of free streamingsubscriptions. However, Netflix India replied to one of the tweets saying theinformation was "absolutely fake".

BJP CAA Protest IT Cell Toll free number