
TET qualified teachers protest demanding regularisation

TET qualified teachers protest demanding regularisation

Pratidin Bureau
New Update
TET qualified teachers protest demanding regularisation

Hundredsof Teacher Eligibility Test (TET)-qualified teachers on Friday staged sit-in protestacross the State demanding immediate regularisation of all contractual TETteachers with pay protection. The teachers protested in front of the office ofthe Elementary Officer in every district and were seen shouting slogans such as"No Regular, No Rest! We want justice!"


Theprotest was called by Sodou Axom Prathomik TET Uttirna Sikshak Samaj(All Assam Primary TET-Qualified Teachers' Association), a body ofTET-qualified teachers.

"Insteadof solving our problems, the Education Minister, who is known for makingcontroversial statements, has been escalating them," said a protesting teacherin Barpeta.

TET TET Teachers Assam TET Teacher