
TET qualified teachers stage massive protest in Guwahati

The Teachers’ Eligibility Test (TET) qualified teachers of Assam on Saturday staged a massive protest in the Veterinary College field in Khanapara, Guwahati demanding regularisation of their contractual jobs.

Pratidin Bureau
New Update
TET qualified teachers stage massive protest in Guwahati

The Teachers'Eligibility Test (TET) qualified teachers of Assam on Saturday staged a massiveprotest in the Veterinary College field in Khanapara, Guwahati demandingregularisation of their contractual jobs.


Thousandsof TET qualified teachers took part in the 'Dispur Chalo' protest. Besidesdemanding regularisation of their jobs, they also condemned Assam EducationMinister for not properly addressing their issues.

"Thegovernment has compelled us to take to the streets. It is shameful for thegovernment that instead of teaching the students, we are now protesting for ourrights," said a teacher.

Itmay be mentioned here that there are approximately 41,000 contractual TETqualified teachers working in the State. "We demand unconditional regularisationof our jobs," said another teacher.

However, there has been an internal-rift among the protesting TET qualified teachers. The president of All Assam Primary TET Teachers Association (AAPTTA), Padmalochan Doley, resigned from his post on Friday. Also SC-ST Teachers 'Association along with some other teachers' associations have not participated in the protest organised today.

Meanwhile, Guwahati Commissioner of Police, Deepak Kumar visited the protesting teachers at the Veterinary field. The protesters handed over a memorandum to the Education Department via the Commissioner.

Guwahati TET TET Teachers