
The curious case of 4067 teachers?

The curious case of 4067 teachers?

Pratidin Bureau
New Update
Govt’s Policy To Dominate TET teachers

A peculiar situation has cropped up in Assam for 4067 teachers appointment as Government insisted on B.Ed -TET qualification, while on the other hand there has been no TET exam in the past five years to meet the qualification leaving thousands of aspirants in a limbo.


The bone of contention s the 40678 teacher's post for whichgovernment has issued advertisement seeking B.Ed and TET qualified.

Now the catch is that there is BED qualified but not TET as the last exam took place five years ago and the validity of the TET is for five years. Moreover almost all those qualified for TET got a job. So the aspirants were completely confused about what to do as the government had asked the schools to give advertisements and they also complied.

Interestingly twice the government tried to hold TET exambut could not as Court orders came in complicating the whole situation. TheGovernment needs the teacher urgently and qualification is alreadystipulated.  But the court cases havemade it whole things complicated. But the Government has gone ahead with theappointment process which has been criticized by the aspirants.

A source close to Education minister said that Government wanted to hold the TET exam in 2017 but the court came in the way. "We have not been able to remove the legal maze but we need teachers also and hence we are going ahead hoping that there would be enough candidates for these post lying vacant for long," said the source.

Assam government Teachers Appointment