In a significant political development, Ashok Sarma, a veteran member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Assam, announced his resignation from the party on Friday at the BJP office in Guwahati. Sarma, who has been a prominent figure in state politics, cited a series of grievances and personal discontent as reasons for his departure.
"I am very sad to resign from the BJP," Sarma stated during his resignation announcement. "I have faced humiliation for the past three years. I am leaving the party that I nurtured, since I joined back in 1994. There is no accountability in the present BJP leadership. My resignation coincides with the BJP's victory, but it is not about being denied a ticket. My decision is rooted in longstanding issues, including allegations made by Jayanta Malla Baruah about my panchayat's performance in 2021."
Sarma, who was previously the president of a district and chairman of the Assam Tree Plantation and Crop Development Corporation, expressed that his decision was driven by the lack of respect and recognition he felt within the party. He emphasized that he is not rebelling but choosing to leave due to the perceived dishonor.
In his role as chairman, Sarma had been active in advancing the production of rubber and other developmental initiatives, as well as working on improving employee salaries. He officially resigned from the corporation at a meeting held today.
Sarma has announced that he will join the Congress party on August 9. Despite his departure, he clarified that his decision is not fueled by animosity towards the BJP but rather by a personal sense of liberation from what he described as a "bondage."
The resignation of Sarma, who has been with the BJP since 1994, marks a notable shift in Assam's political landscape as he transitions to a new chapter with the Congress party.